Duke Ellington - Afro-Bossa

Duke Ellington: The Early Sixties

Episode 24

Episode date - August 27, 2021

How Music Changed

    As you will soon hear, the diversity of music created by Duke Ellington in the ‘60s was nothing less than astounding.

    Each release was distinctly different from anything else he had recorded, and this was compounded by the sheer quantity of music that he managed to release. I cannot think of any musician, jazz or otherwise, who maintained his musical curiosity and his work habits with as much diligence as Duke Ellington.

    At a time when most people would be making plans retirement, Ellington was constantly finding new ways to express his creativity.

    Featured tracks include:


    Blues in C

    Limbo Jazz

    Caravan (live)

    Mood Indigo (live)

    The Lord’s Prayer

    House of Lords

    Blue Pepper

    After All

    Channel 27 - Duke Ellington